Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Can a few billion friends on the internet stop some sms spam (part 2)

Had a call from esporta tonight. I asked them to stop sending me sms messages. The girl came over all grumpy and rude when I said it wasn't me who had actually asked them to call me. Then she lied, saying that all I had to do was ask them to stop sending me text messages. I explained that I had already asked and still they kept coming. She put the 'phone down.

Thursday, 18 January 2007

Can a few billion friends on the internet stop some sms spam

The story is this. I went for a trial day at Esporta health club in Guildford. Since then, they have been sending text messages to my mobile 'phone. They even rang me so I instructed them not to send me any more text messages. But they persist in continuing to send me text messages.

So perhaps a billion or two friends on the internet could send them an email with the words

"Please stop sending text messages to Alan Clifford"

to one or all of the addresses here: Guildford Esporta.

If you want to send the email from esporta.9.scatology@spamgourmet.com that is OK with me as it one of my blackhole addresses.

Alternatively, on that page, click on "make an online enquiry" and ask them to "call me now" using the following details in the web form:

Club location: Guildford
First name: Alan
Last name: Clifford
telephone: 07980 418683

Hopefully, with a billion or two emails from my internet friends, they might get the message.